Vietnam removes Pakistani pilots over fake licenses issue


Thursday, July 2nd: According to a report by Baaghi TV, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has grounded all Pakistani pilots flying for Vietnamese Airlines.

Pakistan’s Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan said last week that 262 of Pakistan’s 860 active pilots had forged and their licenses were fake, with many putting another candidate to the test.

Following which the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) issued a statement stating that it has directed all airlines to be approved by the Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan (PCAA). Suspend pilots immediately. Vietnamese airlines have been instructed to suspend flights for the pilots until further notice and no flights will be allowed.

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According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, Vietnamese Airlines currently has 27 registered Pakistani pilots, 12 of whom are working. Eleven of them work for Vietnamese Jet Air, and one for Jetsar Pacific. Vietnamese officials say they will contact Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority to verify and review the credentials of the 27 pilots.

Following the revelations of Pakistani Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan in the Pakistani parliament last week, the United Nations multilateral body, which liaises between aviation regulators, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) said. That is, countries need to assess the security risks posed.

The Pakistan Airline Pilots Association (PALPA), which represents pilots in Pakistan, has disputed some of the findings of the Aviation Ministry’s investigation, claiming that the list of 262 pilots includes some who did not commit fraud. Government investigations into pilot licenses are ongoing.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for latest news and updates!

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