We received more love than expected in Pakistan, says Indian bridge team captain


President of Pakistan Bridge Federation Mubashir Lucman has said that it is a matter of honor that teams from other countries including India have come to Pakistan to play bridge.

Mubasher Lucman held a press conference along with the captain of the Indian team who came to participate in the Bridge Federation of Asia and Middle East Championship organized by the Pakistan Bridge Federation at a local hotel.

Ranjan Bhattacharya, the captain of the Indian Bridge Federation team, said, “We are happy to come to Pakistan, we cannot forget the love and affection we received from Pakistan, we are grateful to Mubasher Lucman and Pakistan Bridge Federation, because of whose efforts we came to Lahore today and we have come here to play.”

“Bridge is a mind game, we are excited to play, ladies and senior team from India has also come, it’s great to come to Pakistan, it feels like we are in India, ” he added.

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