Wearing Masks & COVID-19: Fit Testing, Maintenance, Breathability, and Medical Challenges


Masks and social distancing are normal, routine practices, and essentials for public safety in general.

Our seniors must use masks and keep social distancing to stay safe and healthy. Each of us needs full care and protection against this deadly virus; being contagious as it spreads quickly.

[bs-quote quote=”Our seniors must use masks and keep social distancing to stay safe and healthy. Each of us needs full care and protection against this deadly virus; being contagious as it spreads quickly.” style=”style-17″ align=”left” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Helpline”][/bs-quote]

It has been almost a year or so now, we are under constant fear and threat of COVID-19 infection, and its spread in our communities is rapidly increasing again. Life is almost confined at home because it is deadly and contagious, simultaneously. When we would have a normal routine life as it used to be; it is still unpredictable.

As of now, there are some 61.6 million total cases worldwide, treated or recovered about 39.4 million and 1.44 million deaths so far.

Especially for seniors, innocent children, and the public in general life, our lives are still uncomfortable. Please see the web page of the European CDC what it describes on the web page https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases.

No vaccine as yet, still under consideration by the most important organizations such World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCs) of various countries as national public health organizations or institutes. In the United States (U.S) and other countries around the global world, the situations are the same. The issue has become a little political and there is no final consent on the source of the virus and its spread around the world and no final about the elimination at the source. We are seeing a more spread or second wave this winter.

[bs-quote quote=”The issue has become a little political and there is no final consent on the source of the virus and its spread around the world and no final about the elimination at the source. We are seeing a more spread or second wave this winter.” style=”style-17″ align=”right” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Helpline”][/bs-quote]

People are confused and looking for better answers about what to do. Life is not normal at all for the public. The source of the virus has not been eliminated at all. People are using personal protective equipment (PPE) or social distances as personal and administrative controls.

The standard strategy of the hierarchy of controls for this kind of hazard for the public should be controlled first by the elimination at the sources or via some engineering controls.

Administrative control like social distance and monitoring and having PPE as the last resort is normal during the day to day life activities.

The solution of “Lockdown” is affecting the whole economic and financial resources. It is not feasible at all. People should work normally with some useful production on a daily routine.

The use of PPE as suggested masks requires effective essential training. Each person who is to use a mask on any occasion must be fully aware and trained. When it is necessary and what is the best for use daily?

Masks are properly worn, adjusted, and checked whenever they are used. Each PPE has its limitations must be used as the manufacturers have suggested in their manuals. Follow the instructions as required.

At present, we are almost used to having masks while going outside for any reason and has become a daily routine.

[bs-quote quote=”The main reason to wear a mask is to protect other peoples from the spread of the disease.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Helpline”][/bs-quote]

What to look for?

  • Type of materials or fibers (natural or synthetic). The tighter the weave, the better it is. Two layers are better than one or one layer is better? One must read the instructions.
  • Must be properly fit tested and have basic training.
  • Breathability is also important.  Each person has his/her breathability strength or weakness and varies from person to person.
  • There are medical challenges, especially for senior citizens. Breathing is difficult because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • The risk of infection that particularly needs oxygen supply may be necessary to wear the oxygen cylinders.
  • People with skin conditions such as sensitive skin or rash development. One must see a dermatologist; some unknown factors that need full research. Old people may have dementia and need some care from medical professionals. This problem is complex and may need some consultation with medical experts in this field.

The main reason to wear a mask is to protect other peoples from the spread of the disease.

For further information and other personal questions, please see the following references:

  1. The U.S OSHA’s webpage at https://www.osha.gov/personal-protective-equipment.
  2. WHO’s webpage at: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks

Lesson Today: Surah 16, Ayah 125

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