Why is Sadaf Kanwal trending on Twitter?

Why is Sadaf Kanwal trending on Twitter?

Sadaf Kanwal, a well-known actress and model, has been a Twitter trending topic after making a statement about her marital life in a recent interview.

Kanwal appeared on a private TV programme with her husband, actor Shahroz Sabzwari, where she argued for the rights of wive over husband, claiming that a married woman must iron not just her husband’s clothes but even carry his shoes.

According to the actress, a wife should be aware of her husband’s requirements and possessions.

Sadaf Kanwal’s statement has sparked debate on Twitter, with some users supporting her and others criticising her.

Dr. Samina, a user, disputed with Sadaf Kanwal, claiming that the year is 2021, not 1921.

One commenter mocked the actress with a meme that said, “Think before you speak.”

According to a user named Anam who submitted a snapshot of the actress and added sarcastically that Sadaf is looking for Sherry’s (Shahroz) shoes in a luxurious car, wearing expensive designer shoes.

Sadaf was trending for a good reason, according to a user called Arisha, who said she was scared about what she had done when she woke up in the morning and saw Sadaf trending.

One user quoted Sadaf and stated, “For the first time, I loved this girl and her words, a woman has a duty to take care of her husband.”

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