World Silent Spectator as India Oppresses Public of IIOJK: PM


6th January 2020: Prime Minister Imran Khan was interviewed by Turkish news channel A News.

About the IIOJK issue, the Prime Minister said the United Nations Security Council resolutions had assured of holding of a free and fair plebiscite paving way for the right of self-determination to the Kashmiri people. But India did not allow it to happen, he regretted and maintained that Kashmir had a special status due to those resolutions. Modi’s government got rid of the special status of the disputed territory with its illegal actions of August in last year and now it was subsequently changing the demography of Kashmir, he added.

The Prime Minister said India had deployed about 800,000 military personnel in the IIOJK. There were daily reports about killings of innocent Kashmiris, besides whisking away of their youth. The whole Kashmiri leadership had been in prison or put under house arrest. In these circumstances, the UNSC had recently taken up the issue for three times, “but sadly nothing is happening”.

He expressed his dismay that the United States and certain Western countries wanted India as their ally to act as a bulwark against China which “is a huge mistake”. About the role of new US administration in the resolution of Kashmir issue, the prime minister said previously he had twice spoken to President Trump, who had offered to meditate but India stonewalled it. They would take up the issue with US president-elect Joe Biden, he added.

“We want the US to become even handed between Pakistan and India,” he said, stressing, “There should be a balance between Pakistan and India, this is what we want from Biden’s administration.”

To another query, he said war had never been an option between the two nuclear armed countries like Pakistan and India. Pakistan had approached the world fora, including the United Nations over the Kashmir issue, he said, adding they were also mulling to use other forums to fight the case on Kashmir.

The Prime Minister said, “The Kashmir issue, like the Palestine issue cannot go away, it will go on.” Modi had taken extreme steps pushing the Kashmiris to a point that even if today a free and fair election were held in India, even not a single pro-India party would support them over the issue, he added.

Elaborating his point over Pak-US ties, he said Pakistan had given huge sacrifices for the US during Afghan war. After the war, the US abandoned Pakistan and even imposed sanctions, leaving it with the issue of remnant militant groups. After 9/11, the US asked to take on those groups indoctrinated as Mujahideen in the past by itself. When they turned against the US, they were declared as terrorists, he added.

The Prime Minister said, “Pakistan had lost 70,000 precious lives in the war against terrorism and the country badly suffered. Pakistan was stuck in the middle and paid huge price.”

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