Global Student’s Union President Peer Tehleel Manzoor condemns attack on African students in RIT

Press Release: Racial Attack on Africans: Global Student’s Union President Peer Tehleel Manzoor condemns attack on African students in Roorkee institute of technology (RIT) Global Student’s Union President Peer Tehleel Manzoor asks for strict action against the (RIT) Roorkee Institute of Technology from Uttrakhand government. In a shocking  Incident, 2 African Students were brutally and horribly thrashed at (RIT) by the college administration, Peer Tehleel said that is really horrifying  and its clear case of  Racist Attacks on Black Students. How horrible we engage in performativity activism asserting #Black_lives_matter, in the USA, but here we beat and dehumanise them? Racist … Continue reading Global Student’s Union President Peer Tehleel Manzoor condemns attack on African students in RIT