1300 Hotspots Sealed Nationwide

Lahore: 1300 hotspots have been sealed nationwide to contain the spread of the corona virus. Officials have identified the areas through which the virus is spreading the most, and have decided to seal them to stem the rise.

The decision to seal these hotspots has come at a time when in the previous 24 hours, 6,472 new corona cases have been reported countrywide. So far in Pakistan, there are 132,405 recorded corona cases in Pakistan, out of which 2,551 patients have lost their lives to the disease.

After a countrywide lockdown, the government had relaxed restrictions in order to let the economic vehicle run, and the poor to retain their livelihoods, since when there has been a sharp rise in corona cases. That led critics to call for a renewal of restrictions which the Prime Minister refused. However, smart lockdown measures were instituted so that areas where the spread is greatest are sealed and markets and shops there closed.

Radio Pakistan reports that under the smart lockdown, areas have begun to be sealed and 844 areas have been sealed in Punjab. Despite the highest number of cases in Sindh, only 7 areas have been sealed there under smart lockdown. 414 areas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 12 areas in Azad Kashmir, and 5 areas in Gilgit-Baltistan have been sealed.

Some residential areas in the federal capital Islamabad, have been sealed. After touching 300 cases, two sub-sectors of G9 were sealed on Friday night. Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Hamza Shafqat has said that the decision to seal G9/2 and G9/3 has been taken after consultation with the district health authorities, and people will not be allowed to leave their homes except to buy essentials.

He said that weddings, other functions, gatherings, religious gatherings and congregations will not be allowed. Police, army, and rangers have been notified to patrol these areas for the public’s own protection.

PM Khan rejects the proposal for complete lockdown in Punjab

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