60 arrested at London anti-lockdown protest


London, Nov 28 (AFP/APP):London police said Saturday that they arrested more than 60 people as scuffles broke out when they moved to disperse thousands of people demonstrating against Britain’s coronavirus restrictions.

“These were for a number of different offences, including breaching coronavirus restrictions. We expect this number to rise,” Metropolitan Police said on their Twitter page.

Footage posted online showed police and protesters scuffling on main shopping throughfare Oxford Street after the march passed the centre of the capital.

Police earlier urged people gathering at Oxford Street and nearby Marble Arch to “leave the area and go home. If not, you may face arrest or enforcement action.”

England is currently coming towards the end of its second national lockdown as it attempts to bring down infection rates during its second wave of the virus.

More than 57,000 people testing positive for coronavirus have died in Britain, the highest death toll in Europe.

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