61 per cent govt schools in occupied Kashmir lack electricity facilities


Contrary to Modi-led occupation regime’s development claims, at least 61 percent government-run-schools in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir are without any electricity.

According to Kashmir Media Service, besides, at least 45 percent of private schools in occupied Jammu and Kashmir sans electricity facilities for the students enrolled in those educational institutes.

The official figures reveal that out of the total number of government schools, at least 14,240 institutions were lacking electricity facilities.

It reveals that only 39 percent of educational institutions that amount to 8933 government schools were availing some electricity facility.

Similarly, out of the total of 5526 private schools, only 2468 institutes were having electricity facilities available while as students of 3058 private schools were deprived of the facility.

“In general, among all schools of [occupied] Jammu and Kashmir, at least 27 percent of the institutions were lacking the electricity facility,” it reads.

At least 14,929 government-run-schools in Jammu and Kashmir were also without books in the libraries.

Among the total of 23,173 government run schools in Jammu and Kashmir, at least 14,929 schools that amount to nearly 64 percent of the institutes were without books in the respective institutions.

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