Dear world Kashmir seeks your attention!


Clock Ticking Since Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir under Curfew. Known for its beautiful excellence, Kashmir lies within the northernmost portion of the Indian sub-continent.

UN Must Take Action Against India for Violating Human Rights in Kashmir: Jan Jamali

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At the time of the segment of India, tragically kashmir was separated into three, which is presently controlled by India (Jammu and Kashmir), Pakistan (Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan), and China (Aksai Chin). The part of Kashmir between India and Pakistan has driven to enmity and killing. We Pakistani considers the issue of Kashmir as the center issue between India and Pakistan. Pakistan and
India as nations are two neighboring atomic powers who share a complex history of stressed individual relations as neglected over. All knows Kashmir debate is universally recognized as a atomic flashpoint, genuine security concern, not as it were for the locale but forth world.

The Kashmir debate has been and proceeds to be the bone of opposition and at the middle of respective discourse.

We all know that 5th day of February is checked by political revives, walks, and talks around Kashmir. A human chain is shaped on the major course from Pakistan to the Kashmir. A one-minute hush is watched at 10 am nearby time in respect of the dead. Radio Pakistan broadcast an uncommon marathon transmission centering on distinctive perspectives of Kashmir debate.

We all are mindful that Indian involved Kashmir by the Indian government was begun on August 5, 2019 and completes one year & five months nowadays, with life distant from typical more than 15 million Kashmiris. As the year passed and worldwide weight mounted to reestablish opportunities, Indian specialists continuously claim they had ‘eased’ a few limitations, such as lifting barricades and reestablishing landlines and a few versatile phone services. Life, in any case, remains difficult in involved Kashmir.

The financial impact has been critical whereas coronavirus lockdown measures have as it were included to the hardship. Security operations against Kashmiri warriors have quickened, past year 2020 was the one of the bloodiest years. In agreement to some reporters last year Indian-occupied Kashmir had seen more than 200 killings amid more than 100 military operations since August 2019. It too saw 55 internet shutdowns and the total destruction of 48 structures.

There’s required a settling of the Kashmir debate. As of late India had at first concurred to execute the UN Security Board resolutions but afterwards, declined to hold a fair and free plebiscite to let the Kashmiris choose their future themselves and agree to either Pakistan or India. It was on August 5, 2019, when both houses of the Indian Parliament passed resolutions to canceling and denying Article 370, expanding the structure of India in its aggregate to the debated Jammu and Kashmir region.

The parliament moreover passed another arrange, consolidating the valley into the Indian Union, finishing its special status. Earlier to these measures, the Indian government of Prime Serve bolted down the debated Jammu and Kashmir region, increased involving security forces’ strength to more than a million. All implies of communication such as the web and phone services were blocked. This curfew has completed its one year and five months already continuing in an unending way and Kashmiris all over the world, along side the individuals of Pakistan watched “Youm-e-Istehsal” last year on August 5, 2020 as the second darkest day in their history.

The people of Kashmir are disconnected totally by the Indian administration from the rest of the world with no get to given to human rights associations and international print and electronic media representatives. These acts of the Indian government have transformed the occupied region into a put more regrettable than a prison and a concentration camp, where at slightest the prisoners have access to food, water and development.

The long lasting situation in Kashmir, the longest lockdown, has uncovered the deception and hypocrisy of the human rights over the globe, but it has moreover uncovered the fundamental contrasts among brotherly Muslim nations for the abused and suppressed individuals of Indian Wrongfully Involved Kashmir. In spite of the financial and social challenges Pakistan is facing at domestic level, it has and will proceed to raise its voice in bolster of the Kashmiris at all international forum by calling for the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir debate and requesting usage of the UN Security Chamber resolutions for holding the guaranteed ask under UN trust and favour.

Pakistan is brilliantly fighting for the Kashmir cause and aggressive expanded against the illicit repudiation of Articles 370 and 35A and the net human rights violations and brutal killings of the Kashmiris battling to secure the so-far-denied right of self-determination.

Our civil and military leadership is working hard day and night to continue struggle to change the status of Kashmir to raise voice of the unending support to the Kashmiris in their freedom struggle at all national and international forums and in their interaction with foreign dignitaries.

The importance of the situation, in view of the international organization / communities and leaders not willing to exert pressure on the Indian government, demands the Pakistan government to move beyond extracting verbal statements from the international community. It is high time to make concerted efforts to improve and further strengthen bilateral relations with all possible partners in the international

Kashmir, as the jugular vein of Pakistan, needs a serious, unambiguous, apolitical, practical and quick national strategy for its resolution. The opportunity which has been provided to Pakistan by the extremist India was actually for their own national interests.

It could be a biting but practical truth that within the setting of international relations, importance and attention to the efforts of an person nation-state are given on the premise of its bilateral relations with other states of the universal community. Pakistan direly needs to advance a component to successfully counter India’s baseless and wrong purposeful publicity, accusing Pakistan for patronizing fear mongers.

Pakistan way forward through Outside Office and political around the world with necessary work and reformation for accomplishing the Kashmir opportunity objective and invalidating India’s hostile anti-Pakistan propaganda.

According to the experts of Kashmir and Pakistan any future possibility for resolution on the Kashmir dispute in the UN Security Council or any other forum would be hugely dependent on this prerequisite of improved and strengthened relations with the members of the international community, which matter a lot.

Pakistan is continuously within the process of frequent visits of the international specialists and human rights bodies to Azad Jammu and Kashmir to pick up increasingly international back; Pakistan Armed force and civilians should be encouraged to create fair reports about human rights violations in Kashmir, their investigations will ideally play a commanding and positive role in uncovering India’s state fear based oppression in Kashmir. We ought to make arrangement of international guests & universal associations very routinely to Azad Jammu and Kashmir and encouraged to look for proof of Indian violations of worldwide law and human rights. Negotiators all over in Pakistan got to empower brotherly Muslim nations to apply their weight on India to normalize the circumstance in Kashmir with peace.

We got to knock on all the door of people across the world by highlighting about the burning Kashmir issue, sufferings and killings of Kashmiris in Kashmir for their innocent crime of requesting implementation of the UN Security Board resolutions.

Dear World Kashmir requires yourattention, consideration to raise your voice for Kashmir, Kashmiri people are without Human Right.

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