Doctor’s inhuman treatment results in deaths of dozens of patients in India


Lahore, 9th May: With the devastating situation of coronavirus in India, the doctors are turning heartless towards their patients.

Baaghi TV: The worsening situation of coronavirus in India is daily bringing sad news from across the border. But to top it all, the ways in which the authorities in India are handling the situation, it seems as if there is no humanity left in them.

Government officials, doctors and front-line medical staff have adopted a very heartbreaking attitude in dealing with their patients.

According to the latest reports, at a clinic in the Gurgaon area of ​​India, a doctor locked the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and disappeared.

When the police and the patients broke the lock and entered the ICU, what they saw was disturbing as all the COVID patients had lost their lives.

The on-duty doctor had left 25 people to die helplessly in the ICU. Relatives of the deceased called out the hospital authorities for such negligence.

It was another matter for the patients to die while being treated against coronavirus, but it is very unfortunate the way they were left to die without giving any proper treatment.

Even before this, videos have surfaced showing doctors in India leaving coronavirus patients to die and have fled the scene.

It is to be noted that in India people are dying on the streets, hospitals are full, there is a lack of oxygen and now there is no one to cure the patients in many hospitals.

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