Lahore police  sub-inspector qualifies CSS exam




Lahore: An intelligent and brilliant sub inspector of Lahore Police, Rana Ahmad Hafeez, posted at Police Station Shadbagh, with his hard work and dedication, has qualified in Central Superior Services(CSS) examination.

LLB Honors degree holder Rana Ahmad Hafeez had joined Punjab Police four and a half years ago through Punjab Public Service Commission(PPSC) and served in different units of Lahore District Police as Sub Inspector. Capital City Police Officer( CCPO) Additional IG Fayyaz Ahmad Dev felt proud in Rana Ahmad Hafeez exemplary success and invited him to his office to participate in a graceful ceremony arranged in his honour to commemorate his brilliant success. SSP Discipline Ejaz Rasheed, SSP Legal Ghulam Hussain Chohan, DSsP and other related officers attended the ceremony. The CCPO Lahore congratulated the CSS qualifier sub inspector Ahmad Hafeez, presented him honorary shield and flowers bouquet. Fayyaz Ahmad Dev expressed his best wishes for the next professional career of the sub inspector Ahmad Hafeez in Central Superior Services. Fayyaz Ahmad Dev lauded the performance of Ahmad Hafeez during his four years service tenure in Lahore police as sub inspector and acknowledged his hard work and dedication to serve the community. The CCPO Lahore said, he felt extremely proud as hundreds of highly educated and qualified young persons were part of Lahore as well as Punjab police. Fayyaz Ahmad Dev further said Rana Ahmad Hafeez has further enhanced the respect and prestige of Lahore police by qualifying the Central Superior Services competition examination with distinction. He advised the young CSP officer to serve the nation and country more diligently during his future professional career. Rana Ahmad Hafeez expressed his resolve to serve countrymen and also his gratitude to CCPO Fayyaz Ahmad Dev and other senior officers for the honor bestowed upon him.

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