Predictions about PTI government and Opposition: Afeefa Rao

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According to the journalist Afeefa Rao, predictions about Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government and Opposition are not well defined as government policies are based on “opinions” rather than rational strategies. 

Renowned atrologer, Syed M. Ajmal Rahim was also invited to Afeefa’s show “25th Hour” and as per his studies, he was confident that Imran Khan’s foreign tours will be decisive for the economy of Pakistan. “He has sown the seeds of a developed Pakistan. We will just have to wait for the results,” he said.

He also said that Pakistan was doing well after June 2021 but recent events including the Peshawar blast were a blow to the stability and peace of Pakistan. According to his predictions, Pakistan is stepping into an uncertain zone March onwards.

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He also went on to say that he does not see politicians and bureaucrats becoming successful anytime soon. Adding more to his interview Rahim said that judiciary seems to be in full swing this year. He praised Athar MinAllah, the chief justice of Islamabad High Court (IHC) for his merit based verdicts which has taken the system of law and order to another level.

He also hopes that judiciary will play a vital role in catching the cuplrits who are spreading corruption and deception in the country.

When asked about the duration of PM’s tenure, Ajmal Rahim said that he does not see the incumbent government being removed until October. After that, things are in the grey.

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Imran Khan’s advisors always manage to cajole him into taking disastrous decisions and that it is recommended to PM to change his advisory committee. Rulers like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and General Zia-ul-Haq succeeded in bringing significant changes to Pakistan because they did not completely rely on the opinions of their advisors, he pointed out.

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