Changing travel advisory by UK to boost business ties with Pakistan: HC Turner


ISLAMABAD, Jan 28 (APP): British High Commissioner in Pakistan, Dr Christian Turner, on Tuesday said that changing travel advisory by United Kingdom would help boost business relations with Pakistan.

The ties between the United Kingdom and Pakistan, had been significant and after the travel advisory, these relations would further be strengthened, he stated while talking to a private news channel programme.

He said resumption of British Airways to Pakistan was also a remarkable step.

Turner said that law enforcement agencies Pakistan had played a vital role for maintaining peace, adding the security had been improved here.

In reply to a question about facilities for Pakistani students in the UK, the High Commissioner said that scholarships had been doubled, while the students aspiring to enjoy education there, would have better opportunities.

About trade, he said, we hoped that three billion dollars trade would go up after ease in travel advisory for Pakistan.

Increasing business and trade relations with the UK, would provide job opportunities to the people of Pakistan, Turner said.

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