Xclusive: Qatar’s major tool to control Middle East exposed


Lahore, 28th August: Media is a powerful tool. It has always been important in controlling the mindset of masses. Al-Zahri quoted 50% of the war is fought on media. May it be first world war or second world war and wars after them media has played a major role in making broader thinking and a specific ideology.


Al Jazeera is one channel that gained popularity within days and they were known for their nonstop, and relentless reporting, bringing up the burning humanitarian crisis and standing for the oppressed all over the world.

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But is it true the documentaries winning attention all over the world for bringing world attention to atrocities was the real ideology of the channel or just an eyewash?

How a state-run channel thinks globally and goes against the interest and will of the government?

Pakistan’s renowned anchor Mubasher Lucman gives a thorough analysis in his latest video.

Watch the video and subscribe to the channel:

The question is how this channel got access to the world’s top-secret information and most secured and difficult reporting areas?

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For example, covering on land war action in the Gulf war with the US military where western media was also not allowed, because of such reporting established and world-leading channels like CNN and BBC felt belittled in front of Al Jazeera.

Then the British Prime Minister Tony Blair showed annoyance when two dead British soldiers were televised on a TV network.

Why is it so that all terrorists have access to Al Jazeera? It is felt that Al Jazeera promotes terrorist networks and intentionally build the reputation of the terrorist.

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Then we have the example of the glorification of the Daesh network in Iraq which was worthless. A small fraction of terrorists before Al Jazeera starting reporting and creating a sense of fear in public related to Daesh.

It seems Al Jazeera is not the representative of human rights but just a government tool as it has never given any importance to the human rights in Qatar. The miserable condition of the labor force in Qatar has never been argued nor any documentary made on the condition in which the labor force works or stays in Qatar.

Lucman highlights the fact that so many deaths had taken place in the course of development of stadiums for the football world cup which itself is a big pandora box of international corruption.

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The European media has been discussing that Qatar has bribed the FIFA officials to win the organization of 2022 football in Qatar, but Al Jazeera turned a blind eye and played it down.

It’s about time to realize that media is important but it is neither free nor does anything other than directions and whips of its owners.

Mubasher Lucman stresses the need that it is very difficult to stay on course and become a representative of humanitarian rights or at least bring truth in light for a better tomorrow without a twist.

Subscribe to Mubasher Lucman Official YouTube Channel for more gripping stories!

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