Afghanistan and Pakistan Discuss Reopening of Torkham Crossing


The Chamber of Commerce and Investment stated that a meeting was held with officials from the Pakistan Chamber of Commerce to discuss the reopening of Torkham crossing.

According to chamber officials, the meeting emphasized that politics should be separated from the economy and that crossings should not be closed.

Mokhles Ahmad, a board member of the Nangarhar Chamber of Commerce and Investment, said: “Both sides agreed that this route should be reopened as soon as possible, and both also called for a ceasefire in the area.”

On the other hand, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on the Islamic Emirate to resolve the issue of the Torkham crossing closure through peaceful means.

Shafqat Ali Khan, spokesperson for Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated: “Afghan actions resulting in forced closure of the border crossing at a time of economic hardship in Afghanistan is hardly sensible and will only aggravate the situation. We therefore call upon the interim Afghan authorities to shun violence and resolve matters through peaceful means.”

Pakistani journalist Tahir Khan said: “The Torkham crossing should not be closed, as this decision harms ordinary people, bilateral trade, and transit.”

Meanwhile, some political analysts believe that until Pakistan changes its policy towards Afghanistan, these challenges will not be resolved.

Salim Paigir, a political analyst, stated: “The closure of transit routes by Pakistan, in my opinion, worsens our relations. That is why both sides should, at the very least, separate politics from the economy.”

This comes 15 days after Pakistan completely closed the Torkham crossing for all movement, following the construction of facilities by Islamic Emirate forces on the Afghan side of the hypothetical Durand Line.

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