AIOU Post Graduate Programs’ Examinations will be conducted at Main Campus


Islamabad July 24 (online): Final examinations of post graduate programs of Faculty of Sciences, including BS, MSc, MS/ MPhil and PhD, offered in Spring 2020 Semester will commence from August 5, 2020.

These examinations will be conducted at the Main Campus, Islamabad only and would be traditional in nature. Roll number slips are being dispatched to the students and these can be downloaded from the university website as well. Prof Dr Syed Zafar Ilyas, Dean Faculty  of Sciences, informed that these examinations will be conducted within the Faculty Campuses of Sciences. Faculty members will perform examination invigilation duties. Exam papers will also be assessed by the faculty members.

He further added that this practice will ensure transparency in marking system and timely compilation and announcement of results. COVID – 19 SOPs will be strictly followed including wearing of masks and maintaining 6 feet distance in  the examination halls.

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