AJK PM calls general emergency meeting in view of Indian move


MUZAFFARABAD, August 4(APP)::Prime Minister (PM) Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Raja Farooq Haider Khan has announced to call a general emergency meeting of AJK Legislative Assembly, All Parties Conference and his cabinet in view of extraordinary movement of Indian military inside Kashmir valley and deployment of 28000 more troops in IHK.

The AJK PM while issuing a special message also announced that APHC would also be taken into confidence in this regard. He expressed his severe concern over the calling of extra troops to Kashmir valley by Indian rulers and calling back to pilgrims of Amernath Yattra and tourists from IHK.

Farooq Haider has said that vacating the occupied valley from tourists and Hindu pilgrims depicts that Indian extremist rulers want to resort Hindu Muslim riots in IHK and targeting civilian population at the Line of Control to divert international attention from possible bloodshed of Kashmiri Muslims in IOK.

The AJK Prime Minister in his message said that Indian authorities were bent upon to crush the indigenous freedom struggle of Kashmiri people by using the draconian laws by its occupying forces.
He said the Indian forces were using cluster bombs against civilian population near LOC which was sheer violation of international law.

Farooq expressed his concerns over the increasing brutalities against innocent Kashmiri people and possible move towards the demographic change of the occupied state and warned India from its severe repercussions.

He asked the Government of Pakistan to take stalk of the situation and call upon the UNSC against recent swiftly deteriorating situation of Indian held Kashmir created by India.

He asserted that his government has taken the issue very serious and special session of AJK Legislative Assembly and all parties conference meeting would be held and on August 9,2019 all political parties and APHC AJK chapter would be contacted in this regard.

PM warns India that if it tried to impose war then it should be ready to face befitting reply from Pakistan Army and every citizen of Azad Kashmir would fight shoulder to shoulder with Pak Army and the liberated area would be turned into graveyard of Indian Army he added.

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