Biden says India “somewhat shaky” over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Biden says India "somewhat shaky" over Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Mar 22, 2022: U.S President Joe Biden has said that India is the only country in the quad group of countries that is “somewhat shaky” after its inaction against Russia over Russia’s attack on Ukraine, as India seeks to balance its relations with Russia and the West.

“In response to his aggression, we have presented a united front throughout the NATO and in the Pacific,” Biden told a business forum on Monday, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The Quad – with the possible exception of India being somewhat shaky on some of these – but Japan has been extremely strong, so is Australia in terms of dealing with Putin’s aggression.”

While other quad countries – the United States, Japan and Australia – have imposed sanctions on Russian entities or individuals, India has not imposed sanctions nor has it condemned Russia, its largest supplier of military hardware.

The Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi told the Indian Foreign Ministry on Monday that Australia understands India’s position on Ukraine, which “reflects our own situation, our own views”. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also told Modi in New Delhi on Saturday that Russia’s attack had shaken the “foundation of international order” and that a clear response was needed.

Despite calling for an end to violence in Ukraine, India has refrained from voting against its old Cold War ally Russia.

Although India has moved closer to the United States in recent years, it still relies on Russia for a steady supply of arms and ammunition amid the Himalayan border blockade with China and constant tensions with Pakistan.

India is also considering buying more Russian oil at a discount, with two Indian state-owned companies recently placing orders for 5 million barrels.

Indian analysts and government officials say European countries are buying gas from Russia.

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