Brief History of Hindutva’s Violence & inhumanity by Inshal Rao

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All religions are established to improve human’s moral sustainability, all languages made only as tool of communication. India is the multi-lingual, multi-religious & multi-national country. Hinduism, Islam & Christianity are its major religions, available history states that there were Daravadians in India who had not any particular religion, they worshipped whatever they seen more powerful then them, in 1000 BC Hinduism came with the advent of Aryans, the Christianity established here by one of the disciple of Jesus Christ in first century & the Islam was brought by Arabs, Persians & others in seventh century.

Indian society was peaceful, people were living beyond the barriers of religions except the division of castes in Hinduism. There was no massive religious violence but after establishing of Hindutva ideology history witnessed massive disaster of humanity, Hindutva ideology is exported from western fascism.

After Gandhi’s murder, at the time of first ban on RSS a confidential report circulated within congress body states that RSS was established in Nagpur & gradually developed as militarist orgnisation with violant tendencies, RSS has been purely maharashtrian Brahmin’s orgnisation & have been dreaming Peshwa Raj (peshwa rule) in India, their flag is Bhagwa flag (last maharashtrian ruler), the RSS practices secret & violent methods which promotes fascism, no regard is paid to truthful means & constitutional standards by them. It is fact that hindutva’s fascist outlook was witnessed by both domestic & international observers.

Hindutva ideology advocates to aim of hinduism supermacy over all religions in India & to unite subcontinent as Pooniya Bhoomi Bharat or holy India, Amit Shah Union Minister of India declared recently of driving out Muslims & Christians from India, very recent statement came from another union minister Jitendra Singh that they will capture Pakistan’s territory is the part of hindutva’s hegemonic design which no doubt will escalate war. Hindutva ideology further advocates to impose hinduism only & making India only hindu state, PM N Modi who is closely associate with RSS speeched on 15th August & announced to grip on military by appointing Joint defence staff on the footstep of Hitler as such he hold defence in his hands. Sangh Family or Sangh Parivar is the protector & proclaimer of Hindutvology, the RSS is the major orgnisation of Sangh family, was established in 1925 remained a hindu fundamentalist & militant orgnisation, presently over 20 millions trained workers are associated with this, the RSS & other Sangh orgnisations involved in massive violence, in 1930 they played main role in anti-Muslim riots, Pirpur report & Sharif report state that after 1937 election Sangh backed hindu extremists badly affected Muslims.

At the time of partition an engineered massacre of Muslims was started by Sangh backed militants resulted over 2 millions Muslims were martyred & over 20 millions were badly affected. After Partition there is a series of incidents of communal violence affected religious minorities, its widely seen the RSS & other Sangh orgnisations were the main player of this inhumanity. In early 1964 West Bengal, Orrisa, Bihar was set to ablaze by Sangh extremists resulting estimated death of several thousands. During general election 1967 hindu nationalists started anti urdu campaign in Ranchi & killed hundreds of Muslims, In 1969 the RSS stoked anti-Muslim riots in Ahmedabad resulting death of thousands innocent Muslims, Jamshedpur 1979 was badly targetted by hindu nationalists.

In 1980 Moradabad (UP) escalated violance by Sangh terrorists later police involved reulted over 2500 Muslims casualties. Engineered violence occurred in Neilli (Asaam) in 1983 properties homes of Muslims were targeted by hindu nationalists & according to independent primary sources the death toll was over 5000. Following assassination of PM Indra Gandhi the Sikh minority was targeted in Delhi & thousands were killed brutally, their holy places were demolished. In 1984 in result of extensive agitation & hate speeches by hindu nationalists in Maharashtra communal riots broke out & left thousands dead, majority of them were Muslims. On land quarrel between a hindu & Muslim in Meerat in 1987, the police supported hindu nationalists who burnt & looted Muslims openly & in a single day near Moradnagar hundreds Muslims were killed by security forces.

In 1989 Bhagalpur Bihar, communal riots broke out by hindu nationalists, even Police support them, on involving the Superintendent of Police was dismissed, later reinstated by Rajiv Gandhi, thousands Muslims were brutally killed & hundreds missing in this incident. Famous Babri Mosque was demolished & mobilization against Muslims by hindu nationalists in December 1992 led to massive violence across India, riots & massacre resulted thousands of Muslims death & injuries, looting & damaging Muslim properties, numerously sexual assaults of Muslim women. In 2002 in Gujrat state sponsored severe violence occurred which resulted thousands death of Muslims & over one lac were displaced, N Modi was CM of Gujarat at that time who stated after riots “this is to teach lesson to Muslims”.

Not only Muslims, the Christians also badly affected by hindu nationalists, hundreds & hundreds incidents are on media record in this regard. Bajrang Dal activists burnt Australian missionary to death along with his two infant sons in 1999. Following assassination of Odisha based local leader, hindu nationalist made christians scapegoat & hundreds were killed in 2008. In early 2019, 93 christian families were forced to convert religion. After BJP’ came into Power, the RSS & other Sangh terrorists are being sponsored by state to attain their dream of Hindutva supermacy, Even BJP leader have announced that by 2021 they will have drive out all Muslims & Christians from India.

Their hegemonic design & widespread violent activities are widely being reported by Media & social media but the World Powers have not taken yet solid measure to curb this menace, on ground of Sangh’s terrible aims & activities, the whole Sangh associated organisations must be banned otherwise it’s too late.

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