Britain disappointed with India’s stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: minister

Britain disappointed with India’s stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine: minister

Mar 17, 2022:  According to a report by Reuters, Britain is very disappointed with India’s stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, trade minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said on Thursday ahead of the conclusion of a second round of trade talks.

India has refrained from condemning Russia’s actions since its invasion of Ukraine three weeks ago, to the frustration of its allies, including the United States, and has abstained from voting at the United Nations, and calling out Russia’s aggression.

Earlier this week, two Indian officials said the country could take a Russian offer to buy crude oil and other commodities at a discount. The UK began negotiations on a free trade agreement with India in January, and a second round of talks is set to end on Friday. Both sides have said they intend to end talks this year.

Asked if India’s stance towards Russia would impact those trade talks, Trevelyan said that she hoped India would shift its stance.

“We are very disappointed, but we continue to work with Indian partners and hope that their views will change,” she told reporters, adding that the talks could yield benefit for both sides.

“India is an incredibly important trading partner for the UK.”

Russia is a long standing arms supplier to India, and Britain’s foreign minister Liz Truss has suggested deepening economic and defence ties with India to help end its dependence on Moscow.

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