Bushra Ansari apologizes for her harsh comments


Lahore, 12th July: Bushra Ansari, the most talented actress of our entertainment industry has been wise enough and shown a great gesture amid the controversies.

According to reports, the senior actress has apologized to the drama critics after posting harsh remarks on social media.

As reported by Baaghi TV earlier, Bushra Ansari had posted a harsh comment to the critical review on her drama serial ‘Zebaish’. The drama was reviewed by Lubna Faryad, who is the host of the famous online show ‘Amma TV Aur Mein’ on YouTube.

Bushra Ansari’s harsh comment to famous Amma

Lubna Faryad is famously known as Amma on YouTube, gave  a befitting reply to Ansari’s comments in one of her videos released on YouTube on her channel ‘Galaxy Lollywood.’

However, it is now reported that the actress has shown a much greater gesture but sending out an apology to the drama critic Lubna Faryad.

Ansari explained on her Instagram account recently, “Artists, writers, directors, and producers are creative people who put their heart and soul in their work. In a way, their project becomes a child for them that they create with love for their audience.”

Amma’s befitting reply to Bushra Ansari

She further added, that due to the efforts that the artists put into their work, they tend to get hurt when someone ridicules their hard work.


Bushra further clarified, “I realize that I overreacted and wrote harsh words on Instagram, but the moment I realized, I deleted my comments. But this is a time of social media, my remarks spread like fire, and sadly things got out of the hands.”

Netizens bash Bushra Ansari for being rude with Amma

Bushra Ansari lends her sincere apologies to the Munshi family and said that has no hard feelings for anyone and urges to use wise words on social media.

Such an apology is very much appreciated by our senior actress, she has no doubt set a precedent for others to follow. In her forty years of working in the Pakistan entertainment industry, she has gained a lot of respect and a huge fan following.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates!

Drama ‘Zebaish’, a treat or a disaster?





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