Cabinet gives in-principle approval to anti-rape ordinance: Shibli Faraz


ISLAMABAD, Nov 24 (APP):The Federal Cabinet on Tuesday gave in-principle approval to the anti-rape ordinance, aimed at curbing the growing number of rape incidents in the country through inclusion of stringent punishments in the contemporary laws.

Addressing a post-cabinet press briefing, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz said after giving in-principle approval to the anti-rape ordinance, the cabinet asked the Law Division and other departments concerned to finalize the draft at the earliest by removing all legal lacunae that could be exploited by the offenders.

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan, after taking serious notice of a recent rape incident of a mother and her daughter in Sindh, asked Law Minister Farogh Naseem to prepare a comprehensive ordinance, encompassing fast-track trial of the accused, comprehensive definition of rape, inclusion of new offences and strict punishments for the convicted rapists.

The minister said as the ordinance was of great importance and involved punitive actions against the rapists, it was forwarded to the Law Division for further improvement.

He expressed the hope that the initiative would significantly reduce the number of rape incidents in the country by creating deterrence against the offence in the society.

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