China sees steady increase of patients recovering from corona-virus infection


BEIJING, Feb 7 (XINHUA/APP):China has seen a steady increase in the number of patients recovering from novel corona-virus infections Jan. 30, according to health authorities on Friday.

A total of 1,540 infected people have been cured and discharged from hospitals as of Thursday in China’s battle against the virus, said Guo Yanhong, an official with the National Health Commission (NHC) at a press conference.

An expert analysis was commissioned by authorities on more than 500 cured cases, including both cases with mild symptoms and severe cases. Some even had complicated conditions, Guo said.

The average hospitalization time of the more than 500 cured patients is about 10 days, she noted.

While summing up the treatment methods for the cured patients, experts have noted some antiviral treatment methods, including both symptomatic treatment and supportive therapies, especially the use of traditional Chinese medicine, have produced good effects, Guo said.

Wang Guiqiang, director of the infectious disease department under the Peking University First Hospital, said data from Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, showed that severe cases, even critically ill patients, can be cured through reasonable and active treatment.

“This has greatly boosted our confidence,” he said at the same press conference, expressing his belief that the recent reinforcements of health professionals, especially intensive care staff, will greatly help to improve the cure rate and reduce the fatality rate of severe cases.

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