Congress Committee working president and MP H Vasanthakuma died of Covid-19


Tamil Nadu Congress Committee working president and Congress MP from Kanyakumari H Vasanthakuma died of Covid-19 on Friday evening while undergoing treatment in Chennai’s Apollo Hospitals. He was 70. Vasanthakumar was admitted to hospital on August 10. Later, his condition became critical, and he was put on ECMO and ventilator support. He is survived by his wife, who is also undergoing treatment for Covid-19, and son Vijay Vasanth who is an actor.

Rahul Gandhi said in a massege that the news of Kanyakumari MP, Shri H Vasanthakumar’s untimely demise due to Covid-19 has come as a shock.

He said his commitment to the congress ideology of serving the people will remain in our hearts forever.

Heartfelt condolences to his friends and family members.

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