Coronavirus: Pakistani students plead for help

China (16th Feb, 2020): China based Pakistani students request evacuation from Coronavirus infected region of Hubei. 

According to reports of Baaghi TV, a series of videos have recently surfaced from within China in which Pakistani students are asking to be evacuated from the Hubei region to avoid getting infected by the novel Coronavirus.

Moreover, a message which is being circulated across social media highlights the grave situation in the Peoples Republic of China. According to the message which is reportedly being circulated by students at University of Hubei, confirmed patients of Coronavirus are being transferred to the university.

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The growing concern for the Pakistani students is the danger of being infected due to the disease being air-borne. As the virus can be transmitted through air, the people are being advised to stay indoors and to keep all doors and/or windows locked to provide added protection, however, that is in turn leading to heightened stress, depression and fear of isolation within the students which is a major cause of many students behaving irrationally.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, the message further states that the students have been locked in since late January and are now growing restless and suffering from depression. Thereby, the Pakistani students have requested that they either be helped to evacuate from China or be transferred to a safer location within mainland China where they may be kept under stricter observation to ensure the disease does not spread unnecessarily.

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According to reports of Baaghi TV, more than thirteen hundreds unaffected [healthy] are currently under lockdown in China and in urgent need to be evacuated.

Baaghi TV urges the government of Pakistan, especially the Prime Minister to look into the matter and help the students so they can be safely reunited with their families.

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Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.

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