COVID-19: Is the virus slowing down in UK?


London, 30th March: With the surging cases of COVID-19 in Uk in the recent weeks, it has been declared the epicenter of the coronavirus after Wuhan, in China.

The death toll in the UK is 1,228 as per the latest reports, and 19,522 are the confirmed cases, however, 152 is the current toll of the people recovered from the disease.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, it is being observed that there is a gradual decline in the number of affected coronavirus patients in the UK. This decrease is due to the strict measures taken by the government of a lockdown and social distancing.

It has been observed that there is a decrease in the number of patients being admitted to the hospital due to the coronavirus owing to the safety measures of keeping a safe distance among the individuals.

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A professor of Mathematical Biology, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London has pointed out that the rate of hospital admissions suggests social distancing guidance is making a difference. He added that new antibody tests expected to the UK very soon will be crucial in understanding how the disease works.

According to him, the rate of the people affected by the virus might be increasing but there is a slight decline in the pattern, which was rising rapidly before social distancing was imposed on the people.

The professor said that a third, or even 40% of people do not get any symptoms and that 2% to 3% of the UK population had been infected. But he said the data was not good enough to make any firm conclusions about the UK outbreak.

Adding more, he said that the pandemic is in different stages in different parts of the country. In Central London, it could be as many as 3-5% or more of the population infected by the virus.

He said, antibody tests are currently in final stages of validation and it would be ‘critical’ to the understanding of the epidemic, adding they would “hopefully” be available in days.

Last week Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the country had ordered 3.5 million of the tests, which can tell whether someone has immunity to Covid-19 because they have already recently contracted it and recovered. It is hoped this will be able to help people including frontline NHS staff back into work without the fear of infecting others around them.


The UK government has told people to go out only if necessary and keep a safe distance, which has started helping to curb the spread of the contagious disease.

If more than 200 affected countries start taking the preventive measures in a serious manner and begin acting upon the safety guides their government has stressed upon then in no time we can have coronavirus under control.

Baaghi TV urges you to play your part as a responsible citizen by staying at home to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones and the community.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for the latest news and updates.



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