Covid Slowed Down French President


Paris, Dec 18 (AFP/APP): French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday acknowledged he had been “slowed down” by his Covid-19 infection and ongoing symptoms but insisted he was doing well and still actively involved in “priority” government business including Brexit.

Macron is working in self-isolation from an official residence outside Paris after he tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday in a result that caused alarm across Europe.

“I am doing well. I have the same symptoms as yesterday: tiredness, headaches, dry everywhere. Like hundreds of thousands of others of you,” Macron said in a video message posted on his Twitter account that he appeared to have recorded himself with a phone.

“My activity is a little slowed down due to the virus. But I am continuing to take care of the priority issues like the epidemic or, for example, Brexit,” he said. Macron late Thursday left the Elysee Palace in Paris for the presidential residence of La Lanterne in Versailles outside the city, a presidential official said. His wife Brigitte, who has tested negative, will remain at the Elysee.

The president said he would “be back soon” and added there was “no reason to believe this will develop badly”, while adding he was under medical supervision.

Macron’s infection has also come at a key moment in talks between Britain and the EU to find a trade deal after Brexit with the clock ticking down to the end of the year when London will leave the single market

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