Dawn News exposed for inhumane treatment of employees


Lahore, 17th June: Shocking revelations regarding Dawn News have surfaced which has exposed the face of hypocrisy and inhumane attitude by the executives who sold Jinnah’s vision. 

According to a report by Baaghi TV, the ex-employees have exposed Dawn News’ exploitative organizational culture in a series of shocking tweets.

It is said that the disgruntled former employees can really destroy a company’s reputation and this is what happened with the media giant Dawn.com.

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As per reports from the website Siasat.pk, the ex-employees exposed the exploitative culture of the organization through their shocking tweets.

The tweets came after a current employee shared how she has been going through a rough patch due to her work environment.




According to the employees, they were asked to work for exceedingly long hours, limit their paid time off and their projects were criticized by executives in front of their peers.

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One of the employees revealed the inside stories of Dawn.com, saying, “I have been ‘scolded’ like a child by my superiors in front of my peers for minor mistakes, and when confronted, they had no apology or remorse for their treatment.”


Another said, “Dawn.com employees are not Dawn.com employees on paper. This also stops them from claiming their basic rights like medical cover or other benefits or gratuity or provident fund. This is also the reason staffers are scared of speaking up, because of no job security.”

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Here is the series of tweets shared by the ex-employees:

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This is indeed a very sad picture, that a giant company is presenting. Dawn News was founded on Jinnah’s vision, and so it should at least show some compassion to its employees.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates!

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