Doctors at Mayo Hospital refuse to do their duty in Corona Wards

Doctors at Mayo Hospital refused to do their duty in Corona Wards, according to a Baaghi TV report.

After the refusal of the doctors, the health department has become agitated. Reportedly, the health department has decided to appoint other doctors. According to the report of Baaghi TV, in a letter from the neurology department of Mayo Hospital, it was said that the five doctors on duty in the ward have been diagnosed with COVID-19 while the mother of one doctor has lost her life due to Coronavirus.

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It is stated in the letter that the doctors would be on duty in the corona ward but that precautionary measures should be taken to prevent corona. The letter also objected against giving additional duties to the doctors.

The letter issued by the Department of Dermatology, Mayo Hospital said that the doctors of our department were on duty at the Expo Quarantine Center for the patients of Corona but they did not receive any training on prevention and care of the patients. Given, the lives of doctors have been put at risk, doctors cannot treat patients against Coronavirus without proper training.

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“The lives of the doctors are in danger,” the chairman of the neurology department said in a letter to Mayo Hospital’s Chief Executive. “Deploying untrained doctors to the Corona Ward is tantamount to playing with their lives. If the doctors are refusing then how can I tell them, when 5 doctors have already fallen victim to Corona.”

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At Mayo Hospital in Lahore, Dr. Basit Ghafoor lost his life. Corona tested positive 15 days ago and was on ventilator for 3 days. Former MSc of Shahdara Hospital Dr Mushtaq also died at Mayo Hospital.

Eight people have died of the corona virus in the last 24 hours at Mayo Hospital. Mayo Hospital CEO Professor Asad Aslam said that the number of patients dying at Mayo Hospital has risen to 76. Reports of 246 suspected suspected patients are yet to come. Most of the deceased patients were also suffering from various diseases.

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The Punjab Health Department says the total number of deaths from the corona virus in Lahore has risen to 325.

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