Donald Trump ordered new sanctions on Tehran


The United States announced that it was sending military reinforcements to the Gulf region following attcks on Saudi oil installations that it attributes to Tehran , just hours after President Donald Trump ordered new sanctions on Iran.

WASHINGTON DC: President of United States  of America Donald Trump said the sanctions were the toughest-ever against any country, but indicated he did not plan a military strike on iran, calling restraint a sign of strength.

The Finace Department renewed action against Iran’s central bank after US said Tehran carried out weekend attacks on rival Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructur, which triggered a hike in global crude prices.

Those attacks, combined with an Iranian attack on an American spy drone in June, represented a “dramatic escalation of Iranian aggression”, Secretary of Defence Mark Esper said.

The Pentagon chief announced that the United state would send military reinforcements to the Gulf region at the request of Kigdome of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“In response to the kingdom’s request, the president has approved the deployment of US forces, which will be defensive in nature, and primarily focused on air and missile defence,” Esper said.

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