Fans Gear Up For Suno Chanda Season 3!


We have a good news for the Suno Chanda fans. The producer Momina Duraid just announced that there will be a Suno Chanda season 3 but for that the fans have to wait for a while.
Suno Chanda was the most watched show of 2018. The drama started at the start of Ramzan and ended on Chand Raat. It featured Iqra Aziz opposite to Farhan Saeed and they became the best on-screen couple. The chemistry between Jiya and Arsaal was very much loved and was incredible. Every member of the family did an outstanding role to entertain their viewers.

After the success of Suno Chanda, Suno Chanda 2 was released this year in Ramadan. There were new characters with unique roles but the chemistry between Arsaal and Jiya reminded the same. Their fighting each other and caring for each other in a unique way. Other than Arsaal and Jiya the loved loved characters of this year were Nadia Afgan as Shahana, Raza Talish as Mithu and Sami Khan as Dj. This season too got a good response from the fans and was well loved.
Fans of Suno Chanda series are now demanding another season. They want to see what happens next in their lives.
Haroon Rashid made a tweet yesterday that Momina Duraid has confirmed the season three but Suno Chanda will not be aired in 2020. There will be a break and if it happens then their fans have to wait for two years because season three will be released in 2021. Momina also said that Suno Chanda 3 will be released in UK like her upcoming film ’Superstar’.

So fans be patient till 2021 to enjoy the chemistry between Iqra Aziz and Farhan Saeed.

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