FBI warns of a huge uprising at Biden’s inauguration ceremony


Washington, 12th January: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fears of the armed protests by the supporters of Trump ahead of Biden’s inauguration ceremony. 

Baaghi TV: According to reports, the US security officials have warned of possible armed protests before Joe Biden is sworn in as the president.

According to reports from BBC News, armed groups are planning to gather at all 50 state capitols and in Washington DC in the run-up to the inauguration ceremony of the president-elect on January 20.

According to a news report published in the ABC News, the FBI has also gathered information in recent days about a group that is intending to storm the state, local, and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event when President Donald Trump will be removed from his office prior to Inauguration Day.

As per reports, the group is making plans to ‘storm’ government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated.

The bulletin read, “The FBI received information about an identified armed group intending to travel to Washington, DC on 16 January. They have warned that if Congress attempts to remove POTUS via the 25th Amendment, a huge uprising will occur.”

Security is being tightened for the event and the FBI officials have advised police agencies to increase their security at statehouses around the country following the riot at the US Capitol.


A vote to impeach the president will happen on Wednesday as told by the House Democrats. Mr Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris are expected to be sworn in at a ceremony at the Capitol.


Last week on Wednesday, rioters forced their way past metal security barricades, broke windows, and climbed walls to fight their way into the United States Capitol Hill where members of Congress were voting to certify the election result.

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