Firdous condemns lawyers’ attack on Punjab Institute of Cardiology in Lahore


ISLAMABAD, Dec 11 (APP):Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Asahiq Awan on Wednesday strongly condemned the attack of a contingent of lawyers on  Punjab Institute of Cardiology   in Lahore. In a tweet,she said that Prime Minister Imran Khan had taken notice of the incident and sought a report from the chief secretary and inspector general of Punjab police.

She said that those who took law in their own hands would be brought to book. She said torture on provincial information minister Fayyazul Hassan Chohan, ransacking of hospital  and harassing the relatives of the patients were highly condemnable and regrettable acts.

She said that lawlessness would not be tolerated at any cost and those wearing black coats would have to respect the law.

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