Foreign Minister of Pakistan is all set to attend OIC FM’s moot in Saudi Arabia


Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mehmood Qureshi will be attending Organization of Islamic Countries council (OIC) of foreign ministers in Saudia Arabia.
He explained that the purpose of OIC leader’s session will be decided in this meeting.

FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi has confirmed that PM Imran Khan will also be joining him in summit meeting held in Saudi Arabia.

“The OIC summit holds prominence as we will discuss the prevailing situation of the Middle East,”
he added that Iran’s intense situation will also be discussed in the meeting.

Pakistan will be presenting its stance at the summit, the foreign minister stated.

 “A new peace plan is being formulated, and it will be discussed further at the summit.”

FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi will also be holding meetings with foreign ministers of member countries and would also meet the secretary-general of OIC.


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