Government Working on Strict Legislation Against Drug Traffickers


MANSEHRA, Oct 23 (APP): Federal Minister for Narcotics Control Azam Khan Swati Friday said the PTI government is working on strict legislation to give exemplary punishment to drug traffickers and peddlers.

Addressing an awareness seminar on narcotics control here at Hazara University, he said that there are several loopholes in the existing legislative system due to which the drug peddlers escape the punishments. He said that everyone has to play his/her role against the drug mafias and help the government to take action against them, adding that under the law preparation, selling and drug peddling is a serious crime but unfortunately the criminals attached with this heinous crime take advantage of the loophole in the legal system.

He said that certain legislations are being drafted to propose strict punishment to these criminals and make the country drug free. The Minister urged the students to concentrate on their studies and materialize the dreams of their parents by becoming useful citizens of the country. Earlier, Vice Chancellor Hazara University Dr Jamil Ahmed said that the increasing trend of drug use in the society is very alarming and due to certain social values we try to keep it secret. He said it is our joint responsibility to sensitize the youth about this menace and its adverse effects on their lives.

Later the Federal Minister planted a sapling in the university premises and distributed shields among participants of the seminar.

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