Heated spat between PPP and PTI in Sindh Assembly


Lahore, 26th February: A heated scuffle took place between PTI and PPP in Sindh Assembly.

Baaghi TV: According to reports, members of the PTI and Sindh government representatives exchanged fire during a session of the Sindh Assembly on Friday.

As per reports, the heated verbal exchange quickly turned to physical blows.

The session was presided over by Speaker Agha Siraj Durrani and started with a delay of one-and-a-half hours.

As the session progressed, things turned sour as a result of which the opposition and the government lawmakers locked horns.

As per reports, the president of PTI’s Karachi chapter Khurram Sher Zaman and PPP’s Mukesh Kumar Chawla ignored parliamentary etiquette and argued loudly.

PTI’s Zaman informed APP that he had only said ‘it seems that dogs are kings nowadays in Sindh’ (referring to the high incidences of dog bites) while requesting the speaker to recite a prayer for a two-year-old girl who died due to the unavailability of the anti-rabies vaccine in Jamshoro.

He added that this year alone, over 1,200 such cases had been reported in Larkana.

Zaman said, “People of the province have elected us to represent them in the House, and when we talk on core issues being faced by the masses, PPP leaders get offended and try to attack us.”

He pointed out that the Sindh government is answerable for the corruption scam in the anti-stray dog campaign.

Meanwhile, Mukesh Kumar Chawla responded, “Tell these thieves to take our leaders’ names with respect.”

The Speaker directed the members to remain silent but no one listened. In the end, speaker Agha Siraj Durrani had to adjourn the session till 11 am on Monday.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news and updates!

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