Hindutva government is a terrorist organization: Mushaal Malik

Hindutva government is a terrorist organization: Mashal Malik

Mushaal Hussain Malik said that everyone should unite and take stern action against the fundamentalist and fascist Hindutva government, who is no different than Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) because it has made the lives of the people of Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mushaal Hussain Malik said in a statement in Islamabad:

“The international community and human rights organizations are one voice against the atrocities perpetrated by ISIS which is commendable. The government and the Zionist regime’s complete silence on state terrorism and inhumane acts in Palestine have raised questions about the double standards of the world. Institutions should avoid duplicity and put humanity and human rights above their financial interests and personal likes and dislikes.”

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Reacting to the deployment of additional five and a half thousand Indian troops in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, she said that the Occupied Territories had already been turned into a military barracks and the deployment of more troops was a clear indication that the Fascist regime was committing genocide in the Valley.

Malik demanded that the world add Narendra Modi’s Hindutva government to the list of international terrorist organizations which has established a reign of terror in the occupied territories.

She also mentioned that ruthless Indian forces were indiscriminately martyring Kashmiri youth without any fear and raids on homes were degrading women because the Fascist government had given them legal protection under black laws.

She lamented that senior leaders of Kashmir, including her husband Muhammad Yasin Malik, were being held in jails and were facing atrocities by Indian authorities demanding independence from Indian rule. Mushaal also urged the world powers to put pressure on the Hindutva government to resolve the dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

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