Historic Jalsa in Quetta to express solidarity with Kashmiris


Baloch people carried out a historic congregation Jalsa  in Quetta on Independence day to express solidarity with innocent Kashmiris and sent a blow to Modi administration.

According to reports of Baghitv, where Independence day is being observed across the country with zeal and fervor to express solidarity with innocent Kashmiris, who are bearing the Indian atrocities for decades, and in this regard a historic congregation Jalsa  was observed today in the capital of Balochistan province, Quetta, where hundreds gathered to express solidarity with innocent Kashmiris.

Chief Minister Jam Kamal Alyani was the Chief-guest in Jalsa whereas people from all walk of life including representatives of all political parties, representatives of all religious parties, students, lawyers, traders and social activists participated in the congregation to express solidarity with their Kashmiri brethren.

The security was tight as strict arrangements were planned for the safety of public. The security institutions including Frontier Constabulary, Police, Levies personnel were deployed on all the routes leading to the venue of Jalsa. Different banners, pictures, national flag and Kashmiri flag, posters expressing solidarity were displayed on all the routes leading to congregation venue. People keep coming to the venue in groups throughout the day to express their support and solidarity with innocent Kashmiris and chanted slogans against the BJP led government and India.

Emotions ran high throughout the day as the speakers delivered emotional speeches to keep the participants alive and an array of slogans were chanted against the Modi administration for its illegal annexation of Jammu and Kashmir through revoking Article 370 and 35-A of Indian Constitution which has stripped the autonomous region of its special status.

International media was also present at the congregation venue for the coverage of this historic event in the Balochistan’s capital, Quetta. A strong message was sent to the whole world, especially to India, that all the conspiracies hatched against Balochistan are bound to fail and Baloch people are united, and stand by their valiant Pakistan Army, and are ready to go to any extent for the defense of their motherland and for the support of their Kashmiri brethren.

Speakers said in their speeches Kashmiris are not alone in their struggle for their legitimate cause; Baloch people are standing by them in their cause for self-determination.



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