How Effective are Plasma, Dexamethasone, and Actemra Against Corona?


Baaghi TV: The Corona Expert Advisory Group has clarified that plasma, Actemra, and dexamethasone are not cure for corona. They only slow down the speed of deterioration in the patient’s health.

In reference to the side-effects of drugs, the group said that a layman cannot know or understand them well. Punjab’s government hospitals have 6 to q3 million injections of dexamethasone. It is a very cheap drug and there is no shortage of it.

The Corona Expert Advisory Group said that the media should not create shortage of drugs in the market by spreading news about them. Hydroxychloroquine has no known efficacy, and has more adverse effects. The license for its sale has been retracted, and all trials of it in Pakistan have been stopped. Home isolation is only for asymptomatic cases, or those who have very less symptoms. People who are isolated at home should have a separate washroom and not live alone in a house. In case of worsening condition during home isolation, Rescue 1122 should be called immediately.

Secretary Primary Health Captain Osman said that medical advice can be received from doctors by calling the free 24 hour Telemedicine Service. 32 labs are working in Punjab out of which 19 are run by the government.

None of the labs was at BSL Level 3 before the corona pandemic. There has been a rise in corona patients over the past 15 days. All areas where there are more cases will be locked down.

Stay tuned to Baaghi. TV for latest news and updates!

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