In a pleasant turn around, United Airlines is now hiring pilots

United Airlines to buy hundreds of passenger planes

New York, April 2 2021: The growing demand of air travel on the back of a successful country wide vaccination drive now means the aviation industry can start recovering in the US.

In a public announcement, United Airlines said they will immediately start hiring pilots, beginning with a group of 300, to be ready to meet growing demand for air travel. Bryan Quigley, the airline’s chief of flight operations expressed his relief in a company memo, at finally seeing this ray of hope.

He announced that the first offers will go to pilots who had conditional job offers or were in line for jobs last year, he said. He further allayed concerns of current pilots who have weathered the pandemic disruptions.

The devastation led by the pandemic meant airlines were forced to take drastic measures to cut costs since travel came to a grinding halt. The airlines encouraged employees to retire or leave the company, or take unpaid leave.

According to industry federation body A4A, commercial passenger airlines lost a total of $35 billion in 2020. Now with the help of multiple rounds of government aid, air carriers have been preparing for a resumption of traffic. United has scheduled more flights in May to popular tourist destinations in Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America.

In another sign of a return to normal, Delta Air Lines announced that starting May 1 it would now fly planes to capacity. Delta was the last major company in the United States to maintain this social-distancing measure on its planes. Mask wearing, however, remains mandatory in place for passengers.

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