India Asks Citizens To “Leave Kyiv Urgently Today” In Latest Advisory


As Russian forces continued their advance in Ukraine, shelling cities, India urged all its citizens to leave Ukraine capital Kyiv “urgently today, by trains or any other means available”.

“All Indian nationals including students are advised to leave Kyiv urgently today. Preferably by available trains or through any other means available,” the Indian Embassy in Ukraine tweeted.

The advisory was posted hours after satellite images emerged showing a long convoy of Russian military vehicles on roadways northwest of Kyiv. Hundreds of tanks, towed artillery, armored and logistical vehicles can be seen in the images released by a US-based space technology company.

Around 16,000 Indian students are still stranded in Ukraine. Many students have shared photos and videos on social media from underground bunkers, metro stations and bomb shelters, where they have been hiding since the Russian attack started last Thursday. Around 8,000 Indian nationals have left till now, the foreign ministry said on Monday.

Several Indian students remain stuck in eastern parts of Ukraine, which is most affected by the Russian military offensive, and they are finding it difficult to travel by road to reach the western borders. Students have also been walking to the borders in sub-zero conditions, hoping to cross over and take a flight home.

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