India intensifies war of repressions in turbulent IIOJK on Modi’s visit to disputed held State: AJK PM


MIRPUR (AJK): Feb 24 (APP):Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan Wednesday said India has intensified the war of repressions in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & occupied Kashmir in view of the reported whirlwind visit of the Indian Prime Minister to the turbulent globally recognized disputed territory.
Talking to a former Diplomat Arif Kamal in the federal capital city , he said the arrival of the Indian Prime Minister to occupied Kashmir is a black day for Kashmiri people.
He said Additional Indian army troops have been deployed to stop protest demonstrations by the Kashmiri people on the arrival of Indian Prime Minister to occupied Kashmir.
He said Indian Prime Minister Modi has launched Hitler -like operation in occupied Kashmir to crush the indigenous freedom movement launched by the people of occupied Kashmir for attaining their internationally recognized right to self determination.
Underage children are being sent to jail and the culture of the Kashmiri people is being snatched, he added.
He said Kashmiris are under military siege since 5th of august 2019 and strict restrictions have been imposed on the media to conceal the facts of gruesome human rights violations and systematic killings of Kashmiris at the hands of brute Indian force and even the human rights organizations have not been allowed to visit occupied Kashmir.
He said Indian government has turned the occupied Kashmir into a big jail and added that India has now started to change the demography of the state and so far 33 lack state subjects have been issued to non state residents which are a matter of serious concern.
He said Indian claims to be a big democracy is a fraud and merely to hoodwink the international community to divert the attention of the gross human rights violations and systematic killings of Kashmiri at the hands of brute Indian forces in occupied Kashmir.

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