India is hoping for help from some invisible power, it seems as if there is no Government here

India is hoping for help

In the midst of the epidemic, the people of India are hoping for help from some invisible power, it seems as if there is no Government here.

I have never seen India so helpless and transformed into a pile of corpses in this way. We were never so helpless. As a country, as a human being, as a democracy, we have proved to be completely corrupt and barbaric.

Each of us has fallen in our eyes. We are all hoping for help from some invisible power. It seems as if there is no government here. There is no Prime Minister here. There is no system here. There is no bureaucracy here.

Everyone has been left on their own. I have not seen people crying freely in this independent India before. Doctors are forced to watch their patients die without suffering from oxygen.

We have been made so poor in the name of majority That we can’t even ask questions

Hindustan has been made hell. This country has been destroyed. We have all been left so poor, as if we are of no importance.

Well, this time will probably pass.

When this passing time comes in front of us, I do not know if I will stay or not, But those who remain will think that this world should be better. They will think that we should rise above the quarrels of temple and mosque for our coming breeds.

They will think and should think that this country does not need temples, shrines and towers.

They should think that this country needs good hospitals. This country needs good schools. This country needs good medical colleges. Need good doctors, para medical staff. Medicines are needed, beds need ventilators.

After all, why can’t this happen?

Why can’t it be that the wealth of the temples of this country is handed over to the hospitals. Why can’t it That every mosque in this country be converted into a hospital. Why can’t it be that no temple will arise in this country until a 100-bed hospital is built with it, There will be no school attached to that. We have to think.

We are seeing that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has no vision. There is no intention either. There is no vision. There is zero understanding about the country, about Crisis, about Crisis Management. There is no will to fight to pandemic.

It is as if behaving like a sixteenth century king. They have nothing to do with their subjects. Narendra Modi calls himself a servant of the public, but his entire behavior is like that of an emperor. How long will the people of this country choose such emperors in the name of temple-mosque, Hindu-Muslim, Pakistan?

Now, if someone comes to ask for votes, they will definitely ask some questions.

In future, you will have someone come to ask for votes in the name of the temple-mosque, do not talk about the hospital, do not talk about the school, slap it. Ask him a question.

The people of India are not threatened by Pakistan. There is danger from disease. People here are at risk from substandard medicine. There is danger from lack of oxygen. There is danger from ventilator deficiency. Lack of beds in the hospital is under threat. So the next time someone comes to you to ask for votes, then put an eye in his eye and ask a question. And ask why do you make this country a hell by showing a dream to make it a paradise. You give us a worse life than dogs.

Tell them that we refuse to accept your bailout promises. Unless you start asking these questions, this appearance will not begin to change.


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