Indian Occupied Kashmir and chapter VII of UNO by Maemuna Sadaf

Sameer Ahmed, a Kashmiri man allegedly beaten up by Indian soldiers at Khrew village, recovers at a local hospital in Srinagar, Kashmir, on Aug. 18, 2016. Photo: Dar Yasin/AP
Since August 2019 India has revoked Article 370, reversing special position to Kashmir which was provided in Indian Law. After revoking of this law, India has imposed Curfew in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).
There is completely shut in the whole valley. There is an acute shortage of food, medicine in the Area. India has not allowed any health or human rights, journalist to work in IOK. Even opposition leader of India was not allowed to enter IOK. On the other hand, India has an increased number of Indian army up to 10 lac in Kashmir. Hindu gangs and army are beating and raping women.
According to an unannounced estimate around 450 women are kidnapped from their houses during this curfew. Killings and use of pellet guns are continued. Men, women, and children are killed on a daily basis.
Since 1989, estimated declared and recorded number of killings have been raised to 95438. But in last month, Indian atrocities have crossed all levels. After Curfew, total persons tortured and injured are 467. 11141 civilians have been arrested or missing. Around 400 Political leaders are house arrested. Women molested or rapped are 14. People injured by pallets are 10298 among which 147 have lost their eyesight completely whereas 215 have lost one eye
Writing more! The Kashmir issue has been raised off and on in United Nations (UN). At first, India took the case to the UN. A number of resolutions regarding Kashmir are passed. According to these resolutions, the fate of Kashmiris is to be decided by Kashmiris themselves.
A free referendum is to be conducted in Kashmir to judge their will. It’s their birthright to live an independent life. But India refuses to give Kashmiris this right and declares Kashmir as its integral part.
To suppress the freedom movement of Kashmir, India kept on increasing its army in the valley. India, through their law (Armed forces special power act, AFSPA) has given all rights to even kill anyone without proof. This killing cannot be challenged in any court.
Keeping in view the charter of the UN, the international community can pressurize India to resolve the issue. Chapter 7 on the UN charter allows using force and other enforcement measures against the hostile state. Other measures May including economic and defense sanctions.
Economic relations may partially interrupt, severance of diplomatic relations. The article 42 of the said chapter emphasize on measures to maintain or restore international peace and security. Whereas, article 40 indicates the provisional measures should be taken to prevent the aggravation of the solution.
For more than four decades, India has been involved in terrorism within neighboring states. On the other hand, Indian atrocities are continued from the last 70 years. India used to violate the line of control and bomber civilian population. In February 2019, the ceasefire violations were conducted by India. No such pressure was built on India from the international community or UN.
Concluding more! The Kashmir issue needs a solid solution which should be acceptable for the Kashmiris. The atrocities of the Indian army and Hindu Zionist are increasing every day. The solution to this issue remains in the pressure to be built against India. UN security council should play its role and impose socio-economic sanctions on it. On the other hand, Pakistan should stop every type of trade and lock down its air space as well as ground for Indian trade and travel.
The chapter VII of UNO should be discussed in the upcoming session Of UN security council. The said should be implemented in IOK as soon as possible.
Note: The writer is a freelance journalist based in Islamabad.