Investigation against PAC Secretariat high officials in corruption case will be brought to logic end: Ayyaz Sadiq


ISLAMABAD, Sep 16 (Online): Former Speaker National Assembly (NA) Sardar Ayyaz Sadiq has said the investigation against the officials of  Public Accounts Committee (PAC) secretariat allegedly involved in  corruption case will be brought  to logic conclusion.

He said that PAC Secretariat officials tampered minutes of meeting and saved mafia behind  corruption running into billions of rupees.  This matter was highlighted in PAC meeting.

I have not withdrawn from my demand of  holding of probe into this case.

Talking to Online he said corrupt mafia will be  expelled from PAC and honest senior officers will be assigned the important obligations.  Certain senior officers of PAC have tempered our orders. In a bid to save corrupt mafia they had tried to get verify and approve the minutes in the meeting of   the PAC. But I caught them red handed and demanded investigation against them.

Speaker NA Asad Qaisar while taking notice of the scandal has decided to cleanse PAC secretariat from all black sheep. The corrupt officers will be expelled from PAC Secretariat within a few days.

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