IS confirms death of its leader Abu Ibrahim Al-hashemi Al-Quraishi

Islamic State confirms death of its leader Abu Ibrahim Al-hashemi Al-Quraishi

Mar 10, 2022: According to Reuters, Islamic State confirmed the death of its leader Abu Ibrahim Al-hashemi Al-Quraishi on Thursday and announced Abu Al-Hassan Al-hashemi Al-Quraishi as its new leader.

U.S special forces killed the leader of the militant group in a raid in northwest Syria, President Joe Biden said in February.

The death of Quraishi, 45, was another crushing blow to IS two years after the violent group lost longtime leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a similar raid in 2019.

Little is known about the new leader, who will serve as the group’s third chief since it’s inception. He rises to the helm at a time when the group has been weakened by US-backed operations in Iraq and Syria aiming to thwart the militancy.

The remnants of IS in Syria mostly went to their desert hideouts from which they continue to harass Kurdish-led forces and Syrian government troops.

A UN report last year estimated that around 10,000 IS fighters remained active across Iraq and Syria.

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