Islamic scholars term terrorism and sectarian violence against Islam

Islamic scholars term terrorism and sectarian violence against Islam

Scholars and Imams of all schools of thought have termed terrorism, extremism, sectarian violence and killings in the name of religion as un-Islamic at the Wahdat-e-Ummah Conference held in the Presidency.

According to the details, Wahdat-e-Ummah Conference was held in Islamabad with the participation of scholars belonging to different schools of thought. The aim of the conference was to promote inter-Muslim unity and curb sectarianism.

While addressing the conference, President Arif Alvi said that in order to become a nation, the people of Pakistan should be united. He said that the emotional statements of some leaders increase hatred and differences based on ignorance lead to divisions.

The President said that the practice of declaring each other as infidels must be avoided. Makkah and Madinah are the centers of unity of the Ummah. Scholars and imams belonging to different schools of thought also addressed on the occasion.

Ambassadors from Islamic and Arab countries and European countries attended.

President Azad Kashmir Sardar Masood, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Pir Noor-ul-Haq Qadri, Pir Naqib-ur-Rehman, Sahibzad Hassan Haseeb-ur-Rehman, Allama Arif Wahidi, Syed Ziaullah Shah Bukhari and Dr Qibla Ayaz also addressed the conference.

At the end of the conference, a 10-point joint declaration was also issued at the end of the conference:

  1. Terrorism, extremism, sectarian violence, murder in the name of religion is against Islam and the leadership of all schools of thought and all religions declare its complete innocence.
  2. No speaker, preacher, dhikr or preacher in his speech will insult, denigrate and disbelieve the Prophets, Ahlul Bayt, Companions of the Prophet, Righteous Caliphs, Pure Wives, Imams and Imam Mahdi If one does so, all schools of thought acquit him. Action should be taken against such person in accordance with the law.
  3. No Islamic sect should be declared a kaafir and no Muslim or non-Muslim should be declared extrajudicially killed and people of all religions and sects should live their personal and religious lives in accordance with the Constitution of Pakistan.
  4. There should be no publication, distribution or distribution of malicious and offensive books, pamphlets, writings, cassettes based on provocative and hateful material and internet websites should be banned completely. Heartbreaking and hateful and provocative slogans will be completely avoided and Imams, jurists, mujtahids will be respected and will not be insulted.
  5. Solidarity will be expressed by holding a joint meeting at the public level.
  6. Muslims as well as non-Muslims live in Pakistan, so according to Islamic law, the protection of non-Muslim places of worship, their sanctuaries and their lives and property is also the responsibility of Muslims and the government of Pakistan, so non-Muslims The government should also crack down on those who insult the places of worship, their sanctuaries and their lives and property.
  7. Immediate and indiscriminate action should be taken against the blasphemers and takfir elements in accordance with the National Action Plan.
  8. Message of Pakistan is a consensus document which should be consulted immediately to give it a legal form.
  9. Fatwas are very important in Islamic law. Only fatwas issued in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah will be valid. Immediate action will be taken on fatwas issued against the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah.
  10.  Immediate legal action should be taken against the elements who insulted holy persons during and before Muharram and the perpetrators should be punished as soon as possible.

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