Jahangir Tareen rejects allegations in sugar inquiry report

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf leader Jahangir Khan Tareen has rejected the sugar inquiry commission’s report and said that he will prove all allegations against him are false.

The PTI stalwart said that he was shocked at the kind of false allegations leveled against his legitimate business. He said that he has always run a clean business and all of Pakistan knows that he pay full price to his growers.

Jahangir Tareen also rejected the allegation that like other sugar mills, two different sets of books were being maintained, stating that he pays all his taxes with diligence. Tareen vowed to answer every allegation and be vindicated.

Earlier, the Sugar Inquiry Commission report held Omni Group, Murad Ali Shah, Moonis Elahi, Jahangir Tareen, Salman Shehbaz and others responsible for their involvement in the sugar scam.

The report transpired that farmers faced losses at the hands of businessmen and middleman. It stated that farmers were not given their due share while sugar was sold at higher rates.

The findings revealed that certain sugar mills used informal receipts. The mill owners also showed the price of production to be more than the support price which meant that farmers earned less, the report maintained.

The report stated that sugar mill owners carried out informal banking, which is an unregulated procedure and resulting in losses to the farmers. The inquiry commission report also revealed that sugar mill owners are also involved in accounting fraud.

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1 comment

  1. SAMIR SARDANA 21 May, 2020 at 22:35 Reply

    People say,Y is the sugar industry run by mafias and politicians ?

    Y ?

    1st people have to understand that the sugar industry is based on the thesis,that cane is the easiest and highest risk adjusted return,for the farners – and to keep farners from starting a Tahrir or joining ISIS. Hence,over supply of cane and over-production of sugar,is an accepted reality of cane farming,in Pakistan

    This ensures perpetual raw material supply for the mill,and a PASS THROUGH of all costs to the state – on a defacto basis.Defacto basis,is key,as there is no contractual arrangement for the pass through – which is a threat to the economic security of the state,as the mill owner can create shortages,spikes and supply and payments crisis and easily manufacture repetitive, but ingenious reasons for debt waivers,tax reliefs,export subsidies and drawbacks.

    Excess cane production and sugar,is the disaster scenario for the Pakistani state.If there is a bad crop,international sugar prices would not rise,to an extent,to make imports on a duty free basis, costlier than the NSR to the sugar mill.
    In fact,the inported sugar could be sold at a profit to dealers,to more than offset the indirect tax revenue earned, by the state,on cane purchases by mills (mandi/purchase tax) and sale of sugar by mill (excise and sales and VAT tax)

    Y is the mafia required in sugar ? dindooohindoo

    Phase 1

    To start strikes in mills of competitors
    To divert raw material supplies of competitors
    To set fire to bagasse stock of competitors
    To monopolise truckers for mill logistics
    To choke off the logistics for the mill competitors
    To break unions in workers and truckers

    For the above,a mill owner needs the support of the police,mafia and the neta

    Phase 2

    To manipulate raw material supplies,as under:

    To downgrade and reject materials purchases
    To delay purchase payments w/o delayed interest
    To pick and choose cane suppliers
    To tamper quality,moisture and weighnent tests
    Using dummy names to route purchases from captive plantations
    Route farmer purchases,as captive plantation purchases
    To run a racket of farmers cane bills discounting
    To organise dharnas/riots/logistics blockades, with the aid of farners
    To charge financial conversion charges for payments to farners in cash

    For the above,a mill owner needs the support of the police,mafia and the neta

    Phase 3

    To recover the costs of fire insurance and LOP insurance, there are accidental fires in bagasse stocks – once in 5 years, to recover,in bogus claims – the aggregate premiums paid over 5 years

    Phase 4

    To con the state in export subsidies and drawbacks
    To con the state w.r.t CDR/OTS with banks
    To con the state w.r.t capital and interest subsidies
    To tamper the power consumption meters of CPP and power from grid – which is the only forensic proof of production

    Phase 5

    Bogus exports to eat up the subsidy and drawbacks – from land dry ports and sea ports
    Routing exports proceeds on actual and bogus exports,via hawala and other modes
    Manipulating cost,production and stock records to inflate costs,make off the books sales and purchases and hide stocks of finished goods
    Selling bagasse in cash,instead of selling power to the grid
    Creating shortages and spikes in prices of raw and processed/refined sugar Make fake cash purchase bills to generate cash for the sugar mill

    For all the above,you need the mafia and the neta, AND also, since the farnmers are voters for the netas.Since the netas cannot outsource the political risk of the cane souring and payments,to a private party – and that,it is a no-loss, monopoly business,the netas are in the sugar mills,and will stay so,forever.

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