Kashmiris cheated after abrogation of Article 370: Omar Abdullah


IIOJK: National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah has asserted that the plight of people in occupied Jammu and Kashmir has deteriorated since August 5, 2019, when the Modi-led Indian government revoked the territory’s special status.

Addressing a party convention in Islamabad district, Omar Abdullah lamented, “The events of that fateful day are etched in our memories. Our unique identity was stripped away—our flag, our Constitution, our land, and job rights. Now, it is up to you to demonstrate to the country and the world where we stand. This can only be achieved through the use of ballots on polling day.”

During his speech, Omar Abdullah criticized New Delhi for failing to deliver on promises of development, employment, and anti-corruption measures. “When our special status was revoked on August 5, 2019, promises were made to the people. We were assured of development, youth employment, eradication of corruption, and overall improvement in people’s lives. However, we must now question what has changed since then. Have the fortunes of our Gujjar brothers improved? Have our youth received job opportunities? Where is the promised development? Instead, every sector, from electricity to employment, from development to horticulture, has suffered,” he remarked.

Omar Abdullah highlighted the widespread discontent across all sections of Jammu and Kashmir, emphasizing the dire situation faced by contractors and the non-payment of dues, even to police vehicle providers for the past nine months.

He criticized the preferential treatment given to those aligning with the BJP, labeling them as the party’s “B team, C team, and D team.”

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